Shouted the crowed. "Give him a free pardon!" 人群叫喊道,“给他自由!”
It's done.? His voice dropped a little. Of course, nothing is free in this world, and my pardon comes with a small price. 他声音放低一些,当然,这个世界没有什么是免费的,我的原谅需要一点小小的代价。
Mercy there was great, and grace was free; Pardon there was multiplied to me; There my brudened soul found liberty, At Calvary. 爱怜学阔恩惠真丰富,赦免宽宏饶恕我罪辜,担卸脱心中得自由在各各他。
Americans found that out when, after a month in office, Mr Ford gave Nixon a "full, free and absolute" pardon for anything he might have done while president. 民众发现,就在入主白宫一个月以后,福特便动用总统特权给尼克松“一个完整、绝对、确信无疑”的特赦,赦免他在总统任内的所有罪行。
God's free pardon makes us anxious never again to grieve Him by disobedience. 上帝既用宝血重价将我们赎回,我们岂能再犯罪、不顺服,使祂伤心难过?
Ms Fujimori has campaigned on a programme of free market reforms, but critics fear she may pardon her jailed father if she's elected. 藤森庆子曾努力推行自由市场改革,但是批评家担心如果她当选,她可能会赦免自己的父亲。
And when you get home, you may tell the old abbot that you have brought him a free pardon from King John. 另外,回家以后,你可以告诉老修道院长,你给他带来了约翰国王的特赦。